Notice of the Third EGM in 2023

Date: 2023.08.30


(GDR under the symbol:"MYSE")

(a joint stock company established underthe laws of the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)

Noticeof the Third Extraordinary General Meeting in 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Third ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting in 2023 of Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited will be held atconference room on the 5th floor of Ming Yang SmartEnergy Group Limited, Ming Yang Industrial Park, No.22,Torch Avenue, Zhongshan Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone, ZhongshanCity, Guangdong, People’s Republic of China, on Tuesday, 26 September 2023 at 15:00(Beijing Time), for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing thefollowing resolution.

Ordinary Resolutions (noncumulativevoting proposal)

1.To consider and approve the Proposal on Reappointment of Accounting Firm

Special Resolutions(noncumulative voting proposal):

2.To consider and approve the Proposal on Increasing the Estimated Quota onExternal Guarantees of the Company for 2023

3.To consider and approve the Proposal on the Amendments to theArticles of Association

4.To consider and approve the Proposal on the Amendments to the Rules ofProcedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders

5.To consider and approve the Proposal on the Amendments to the Rules ofProcedure for the Board of Directors

Ordinary Resolutions(noncumulative voting proposal)

6.To consider and approve the Proposal on Change of Certain Fundraising and InvestmentProject

Ordinary Resolutions (cumulativevoting proposal)

7.To consider and approve the Proposal on the Renewal of the Board of Directorsof the Company and the Election of Candidates for Non-independent Directors ofthe 3rd Session of the Board of Directors

8.To consider and approve the Proposal on the Renewal of the Board of Directorsof the Company and the Election of Candidates for Independent Directors of the3rd Session of the Board of Directors

9.To consider and approve the Renewal of the Board of Supervisors of the Companyand the Election of Candidates for Shareholder Representative Supervisors ofthe 3rd Session of the Board of Supervisors

Formore information on the resolutions, please visit:

A copy of the above document has been submitted to the National StorageMechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at:

Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited

August 30, 2023